fahrrad3000 - Offene Selbsthilfewerkstatt

Fahrrad3000 is an open bicycle self-help workshop where bicycles can be repaired under guidance. Versatile theme days take place in cooperation with other initiatives with the intersection of society & bicycles. This includes, for example, a bicycle-powered cinema. Workshops are also held to impart knowledge about bicycle repair, care and maintenance.

The focus is on direct exchange and contact with residents and local groups of actors - the program is designed in such a way that participation of other groups is explicitly desired, so that a common place for networking and helping out is created. Whether in possession of a bicycle or not, everyone is welcome to get involved, wrench on bikes, help others, or simply take a break from the stress of everyday life.

The workshop is equipped with a basic set of tools, assembly stands and accessories. If you are interested in organizing your own workshops, activities or events, please feel free to contact us.

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