Wem gehört(e) der Boxhagener Platz?

The project "Wem gehört(e) der Boxhagener Platz? (Who owns the Boxhagener Platz?) was developed as part of the course "Mapping Cities - Making Cities".  An interactive narrative was created in interdisciplinary teamwork based on the results of self-developed research. This narrative deals with the ownership of the Boxhagener Platz. The project was further elaborated and supplemented together with the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab.

“Genial! Wem gehört Berlin, hier am Beispiel Boxhagener Platz.” (Erik Spiekermann)
The project was part of the preselection in the category "web project" for the Nannenpreis 2020.

Visit Wem gehört(e) der Boxhagener Platz?

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